Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wayne Newton Plastic Surgery Botox Injections, Nose Job Before and After

Wayne Newton is one of male celebrity who had bad plastic surgery. The Midnight Idol was reported to have overdone several surgery procedures such as a facelift, eyelid surgery, nose job, Botox and probably filler injection.
A Facelift

Wayne Newton possibly has a facelift in the past. If we are observing his recent photo, it seems that his facial skin looks too tight and frozen. Someone usually will experience shaggy skin, some wrinkles or other aging signs at 70 years old. So, it is too good to say Wayne face is natural.
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

In addition to a facelift, Wayne Newton was also accused to have double eyelid surgery. As the indication, one of Wayne’s eyes looks slightly smaller than the other eye.

Botox and Filler Injection
Although Wayne has not openly talked about the surgery rumor, but his smooth and feminine facial appearance tells us that she possibly has undergone some filler injection & Botox.

Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Paul S. Nassif says “Wayne Newton has undergone several plastic surgery procedures such as a facelift, nose job, eyelid surgery, Botox and facial fillers as well. He looks unnatural and overdone.”

A Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)
Observing Wayne photos over the time, it is possible that he has undergone a nose job (Rhinoplasty) in the past. The recent photo reveals that his nose appears swollen and unnaturally big at the tip. In addition, the Wayne nose shape looks irregular.

Well, plastic surgery could be a good shortcut to boost your appearance, but when it is done over and over, you may experience like what Wayne Newton, Bruce Jenner or Carrot Top have experienced. In Wayne case, I think he should stop to have other surgery procedures, unless he will create his own caricature.

Plastic surgery speculations are always flying with the slightest of celebrity transformations. There are a number of celebrities who have fallen victim of these speculations but others despite their denials are never victims. A look at Wayne Newton before and after photos says it all. It is difficult not to believe in these speculations. He looks different and not in the makeup kind of way but in the plastic surgery kind of way. Additionally, he looks younger than what is expected of his age. Graceful aging is not a new concept but it is not difficult to differentiate graceful aging and the work of plastic surgery in this era. This is especially when the surgery was a botched job.
Wayne Newton’s Botched Jobs 

In his attempt to look young and fresh, Wayne Newton indulged in Botox, brow lift, facelift, nose job and jaw line surgery. The result is such that his skin is refreshed but his face is not a pleasant sight. It seems like none of the procedures were done right. The Botox seems like it was too much for him. Over indulgence is Botox bears only one result, plastic look. He looks plastic and all swollen up. His face is devoid of natural movement and color. The facelift which is commonly used in combination with Botox procedures was not also professionally done. The brow lift, jaw line surgery is considered by some critics as unnecessary procedures. Some critics even argue that most of his invasive procedures bore positive results but the musician had too many procedures on one face. The jaw line surgery which was meant to reconstruct the face of his shape distorted his face. It is not that the world was used to him in his old face, the jaw line reconstruction was not carried out with precision. The new shape of his face does not suit him by all means.

What Next for Wayne Newton? 
It is extremely sad that Newton’s image suffered a great deal due to a botched job. With him being in the list of worst plastic surgery, his self esteem must have been injured too. Some critics argue that his biggest mistake was the lack of objectivity in his choice of surgeries. While Botox and facelift are objective for someone his age, the rest of the reconstructive surgeries are not. He has over stuffed his face with unnecessary procedures and the only way to get his handsome face back or just a part of it is to try corrective surgeries. He should also lay of Botox since what he has is already too much for him.

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